New Pitching Velocity Training Aid, the Pitchers Power Drive Increases Velocity Potential
The Pitchers Power Drive increase pitchers velocity potential by teaching hip lead with their knee positioned over foot to set pitchers weight back. This device increases lower body power by training this hip lead from knee lift. Already in its first year there are 7 professional teams, 70 colleges, hundreds of High Schools and Baseball Academy’s training pitchers with the Pitchers Power Drive.
(Vocus/PRWEB ) April 12, 2010 -- The new Pitchers Power Drive increases pitchers velocity potential by teaching hip lead with their knee positioned over foot to set pitchers weight back. This device increases lower body power by training this hip lead from knee lift. This can be done because the pitchers foot is in solid contact on a 21 pound training device braced against the rubber. This allows the entire back leg and hip to move the pitcher's body powerfully away from the rubber into landing. The pitching velocity training device has been used with great success for over four years at the Winning Pitchers Baseball Academy in Boston with thousands of lessons. Already in its first year there are 7 professional teams, 70 colleges, hundreds of High Schools and Baseball Academy’s training pitchers with the Pitchers Power Drive.
The picture shows this hip lead used by professional pitchers. All Professional Pitchers with above average velocity shift their weight this same way for which the Pitchers Power Drive teaches. The picture shows a high school pitcher at 90-93 mph using the Pitchers Power with his knee positioned over his back foot while his back hip shifts away from the rubber driving the Pitchers Power Drive down. This is back side power initiation taught by the velocity training aid.
The Pitchers Power Drive offers pitchers solid foot contact because it weighs 21 pounds and lays solid to the ground. This device helps the pitchers body kinetically feel their hip lead. Then pitchers hear an auditory click when their hip lead drops the plate as seen in the videos on web site. No drill, video or book can make the body feel what the Pitchers Power Drive does. It is not a substitute for what the body feels because you can throw 60 feet 6 inches to a catcher at 100% effort and the body can truly feel the power.
The Pitchers Power Drive also teaches proper weight transfer. It prevents any early shift of weight to inside of foot as the foot is anchored with the pitchers entire weight. The picture shows this solid foot contact. It actually keeps the pitchers weight back forcing a correct hip lead to drive plate and not falling down the mound with front side. This prevents common faults of early hip rotation. Pitchers learn to keep their weight back with the knee positioned over the back foot while the back hip leads away from the rubber. This allows pitchers the ability to use their entire leg and back hip to produce full leg drive and extension to a closed landing. See live video of pitching 60’6" at full speed on the Pitchers Power Drive The video demonstrates all of the above teaching strengths of the Pitchers Power Drive.
Many highly qualified coaches and trainers recommend the Pitchers Power drive as a good training aid that pitchers like and are getting positive results. The training device can help pitchers improve their pitching performance and velocity. Thousands of individual pitchers have used this training aid and improved in learning the correct way of using their legs. To see professional and player testimonials go to client page on web site.
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